Friday, September 5, 2008

What money cant buy

Once upon a time in a beautiful fairytale land called Anna university(it has butterflies ,fountains, monkeys and many old buildings its my mini version of a fairytale land) lived five beautiful princesses (me and my frds ok).These princesses even though they were princesses had jobs to do like taking an interview, doing a comp. assignment ect. .
One day the empress of English department was very angry with the princesses because they dint submit their interviews on time. But the empress was a kind soul so she gave the princesses a day’s grace time. So su-su-susan , the most industrious among the princesses decided to do something. She tried evey software possible, opend evey dialog box in movie maker and mailed the interview to at lest 50 other more informed people than us. But nothing seemed to work out.
This is a fairy tale so we do have a fairy god mother, fairy god father in our case. So I would like to introduce Adithya our gang’s official fairy god father who came all the way to college to help us out. And finally we got most of our interviews done.
(Wait this blog is not about a college kid trying miserably to write a fairy tale its about friendship and food and money so let me come to the story.)
On Friday none of us had taken lunch and we had to stay in college till 2 and all of us were mega hungry. So we decided to invade the canteen while our fairy godfather was busy toiling away with his laptop(4 our interview). WE are princesses not super humans ok we need energy to go to balls, wear glass slippers ,sit on top of towers and not get branded ”anorexic”. Thus we finished our first round of “canteening”(it’s a new word which means waiting in a long q in a old canteen to get food ) we went back class. we understood that certain files had to be edited from princess Susan’s comp so we decided leave home.
On our way back home princess preethi had an amazing idea. She wanted to enjoy another session of uninterrupted canteening. So we headed back to canteen instead of the bustand. I dint have enough gold coins in my treasury so I decided to borrow some gold coins from princess preethi after canteening to get back home. unfortunately princess preethi and princess susan were also of the same opinon .(ok the situation was like this none of us had money but we thought that others in the gang had and we could borrow).thus we finished our second round of canteening for the day and realized(poor princess Susan who is calorie conscious wont have anything even boiled water from the canteen).Finallly after canteening preethi realized that she had just 5 coins left I stood second with a balance of 7 coins and five 25 paise coins but the winner clearly was susan with a balance of 13 usual we got in to trouble and dint know what to do(that’s because we r in trouble and if we were that sensible we wouldn’t have gotten into shit in the first place so don’t expect any one in our gang to come up with a good idea or something)
We did the obvious. here I woluld like to introduce our second fairy god mother in my story shriya our senior. She was busy canteening we walked upto her with a nice smile (that’s b’cos we were going to ask 4 help)and askd her for money .We borrowed 20 gold coins 4 the gang and headed straight to the bus stand.
In the bus stand unfortunately I got into a deluxe .So we spent our borrowed gold coins and reached home without a single rupee.
The reason im typing such a huge and seemingly boring blog on a Friday night instead of watching t.v is just to tell “Today I understood that money can’t buy you happiness but it can buy you a so many other thing like bus tickets and melon juice.”
And when we r with friends it doesn’t matter what we end up doing until we have fun. L et me put it this way
“When friends are around even extremely complicated situations like running out of money can be fun”
An extremely absent minded college student


kalpana said...

lol...funny it is... relly nice though..but hey ! where's my part ?

Susan said...

amazing attempt swatz!!

n thnx a ton for spoilin ma taggin me as "calorie conscious gal"!!

preethi said...
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preethi said...

swathi(un-drawer)..............!!! A smal part of d stry is misin...!!!! wat 4got uh...!!! chal lemme giv u a hint....Itz abt d thng dat happend in front of MBA AUDI.....!!!!

கா.கி said...

u missed a future celb's first interview... its ok... next time, remember this senior... ;)

Arvind Natarajan said...

nice post.

AmOrTeNTiA said...

rowdy girl i remember this memory of ours!! wow..... miss princess an her friends were never endingly digging into their bags for say 20 mins .... i imagined it to be probabily 20 gold coins lost in their way! finally realised it was preetis big appetite an huge smile that struck me ( an suprisingly money in my purse) to help out!!
well if it wasnt for that great episode i don think we wuld hav been this gud buddies babe! so "money helps to provide circumstances to start new frienships" k ... lol!!

Lancelot said...

hilarious(though a late read and commented post)but I am just wondering where is the Prince every fairy tale if the princesses are in distress then its the duty of Prince Charming to save them na...??